YouGov survey findings
The Exploring Islam Foundation recently commissioned YouGov to survey public perceptions of Islam, Muslims and the Prophet Muhammad. Here are the results.
Knowledge of Islam

- 60% say they don’t know very much about Islam
- 17% say they know nothing at all
- 33% would like to know more about Islam
Sources of information on Islam

- 57% obtain most of their information about Islam from the TV news
- 41% obtain their information about Islam from newspapers
- Just 3% get most of their information on Islam from Muslim organisations
- 31% feel that information about Islam is not very accessible
- 5% say that information is not accessible at all
Perception of Islam

- 58% associate Islam with extremism
- 50% associate Islam with terrorism
- Just 13% associate Islam with peace
- 6% associate Islam with justice
- Only 16% think that Islam promotes fairness and equality
- Only 6% believe that Islam promotes active measures to protect the environment
- 41% disagree or strongly disagree that Muslims have a positive impact on British society
- 69% believe that Islam encourages the repression of women
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